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Mar 8, 2012

Laurel: cultivation, care, soil and needs

The Laurel is an aromatic plant widely used in different regions of the world but is also used as an ornamental plant especially in the Mediterranean. Its versatility in the forms of culture makes this plant ideal for growing in different environments is in the open or in pots. Grow as bushes and shrubs with leaves of dark green conifers with many glands that give the laurel that odor.

For the cultivation of Laurel specific techniques are not required as it grows in both sun and in shaded places. It can be planted in the garden of the house, a garden, in pots and are well suited to long road to compliance with some basic requirements.

The ideal temperature for Laurel is those of the Mediterranean, meaning warm. Low temperatures under zero degree Celcius are supported by a short space of time. Besides the strong air currents make the Laurel dies because it does not support them. As for water, does not need much watering, irrigation must be a shallow and moderate in spring and summer. Excess water can be another cause of death of Laurel.

Romero: cultivation, care, soil and needs

The Rosemary is a Mediterranean plant ideal for spicing up traditional dishes. Used as a condiment in many parts of the world and is ideal for flavoring the house as well as many say it is good to have a Rosemary plant on the table. It also has important medicinal properties which makes it a little plant quite complete.

No wonder then that many experts and fans want to have a Rosemary plant in your garden or in your backyard. But the good news is that you can also plant and grows well in a large pot so if you live in an apartment may have its plant Romero.