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Jul 26, 2012

Five Tricks to Pamper your Plants

Plants are living things and as such also need pampering, i.e. special care and attention. All plants are indoor or outdoor need basic care but there are some plants that need a more personalized care. In this short article we will discuss five tricks to pamper your plants and they are beautiful and healthy forever.

Five Tricks to Pamper your Plants

The first point has to do with the care of the leaves. Although the land of your plants is well paid, it is inevitable that sometimes part of the leaves exhibit an impaired or even withered hand. In this case this part must be cut from the sheet and keep it away from the floor as it can attract various types of pests.

The second point relates to the use of nutrients. Do not settle only with water your plants regularly but every so often you fertilize the soil with at least three essential nutrients: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. These nutrients will give your plants strength and endurance and will also provide the necessary energy to grow more green leaves and strong.

With the arrival of spring you have to take a walk at your plants. This is the third trick to pamper your plants. After having had inside all winter, spring must help them adapt to the outside. For this, you need them outside for two hours and then enter them each week and an hour increase the stay abroad. Thus, the plants can be tailored to the sun and spring air.

The fourth point is to take care of your plants from pests such as slugs, snails and aphids. For this, it is highly recommended that you review always well your plants as the stems and leaves and if you have the assurance that pests can attack your plants take preventive measures. It is best to use natural tricks to combat pests because chemicals can eliminate the pest but also harm your plants.

Finally, as a fifth point, many recommend talking to plants and even set them to music. Although not proven the effectiveness of these methods, it does not hurt to try. Many recommend even put together several plants because plants grow more and better if they are accompanied or group. An isolated plant does not grow in the same way as if the plant is with other plants. So instead of having a single plant begins to grow more.
If you want to enjoy a beautiful garden or have your beautiful houseplants never stop applying these five tricks to pamper your plants.

Jul 10, 2012

The Benefits of Using a Garden Calendar

If you have a beautiful garden or started a project, ideally things easier with a garden calendar. User can bring several benefits. What constitutes a calendar of garden? And what benefits we have to use one?

The garden calendars is a schedule of activities and care to develop in the garden according to time of year, i.e. spring, summer, autumn and winter. This schedule indicates what actions need to be developed, as pruning, planting, harvesting and more. Month to month, the garden calendar shows the basic actions that you must perform to your garden to transform in a beautiful place, care and pest free.

The Benefits of Using a Garden Calendar

The garden calendar has activities to do in a garden, flower garden, indoor plants and trees and shrubs. Each month, detailing the actions to be taken. For example, the garden calendar for May indicates that can grow dahlias, lilies and Calas, among others. They should be watered every day in the morning and once in a while you have to fertilize the soil with compost. Every fortnight, to be blunt flowers and some ideas to remove pests such as aphids, spider mites and other insects typical of the era. All this is perfectly described in the garden calendar.

So what benefits you can get from using a garden calendar? For starters, you will never be wrong in planting time or harvest, you know very well how to repel certain pests and when and how you prune.
If you have a garden or indoor plants it can also benefit from the garden calendar. Especially at the beginning, when you first started to dabble in the garden there are many things you do not know and learn from experience. That's where your garden calendar will serve as a guide for your plants to grow well.

What happens if you live in the hemisphere opposite the garden calendar? Just take as a parameter the seasons and follow the instructions. If the calendar says spring starts in March, you know that in the southern hemisphere begins in September.

Where can you get a schedule of garden? There are many websites where you can download and print. One of these sites is Garden Calendar where you can find the schedule for each month and download it to your computer to consult it whenever it takes until you know it by heart.