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May 18, 2013

How To Fight A Devastating Disease Garden

The rust is a fungal disease that occurs primarily in the leaves of different plants species ranging from garden to fruit trees, which readily detectable symptoms and can be prevented and combated with a variety of chemical and natural resources.

Generally, and especially in the garden plants, the rust is usually manifested through small bumps clustered reddish spores, orange or brown on the back (bottom) of the leaf, but also often appear on stems as blistering yellow orange or dark brown.

How To Fight A Devastating Disease Garden

Once this disease appears, and if you do not take measures to stop its effects, the plant loses foliage weakens and dies.

Hence the importance of conducting a regular monitoring of the plants that adorn your garden, so early detection of the presence of these fungi, as well as take some prophylactic measures to prevent its growth.

Since the cure of leaves affected by rust is very difficult, it is best to reduce the risk of infection by excess moisture, hence it is advisable to place the plants well apart to allow better ventilation and avoid irrigation systems by spraying or fogging, since they moisten the leaves too much, creating optimal conditions for the growth of fungi.

It is also desirable to have good drainage to avoid creating a damp, warm and stagnant which may favor the onset of rust.
How To Fight A Devastating Disease Garden

This sunflower evidences the ravages of rust. (Photo: Howard F. Schwartz / Colorado State University)

Natural chemicals to fight disease

In the field of chemical resources against rust can be used as preventive spraying with fungicides such as Triforine or oxycarboxin, which also have curative action (in early stages) and can be sprayed in small quantities and with less precision as the plant itself is responsible for absorbing and distributing sap.

For products with oxycarboxin has to be careful not to overdo your application because leftovers can fall into the ground and be absorbed by the roots, causing the appearance of chlorotic (yellow) in the leaves of some species of flowers.

To prevent rust you may also resort to application of copper sulphate, either mixed with ammonium hydroxide as Bordeaux mixture and ammonium carbonate as Compound Nuez.

For those who prefer more natural methods to combat this disease, there is the option of "organic fungicides," such as horsetail tea or chamomile.

Decoction horsetail (Equisetum Arvense) is prepared by macerating one kilogram of fresh plant in 10 liters of water, allowed to settle and then applied to the soil and plants. As chamomile, it is advisable to soak 250 grams of flowers in a quart of water, let stand and apply.

To prevent the spread of rust, it is also necessary to burn the leaves, stems and branches infected.

Pond Water Lilies: Varieties And Care

The water lilies are aquatic plants that are characterized by their delicate appearance, the beauty of its large flowers and ease of cultivation. Another distinctive feature of these examples is the large number of species and varieties that presents (about 1700), of which at least seventy are the most used and recommended for growing in garden ponds.

Pond Water Lilies Varieties And Care

The first thing to clarify is that the term lily is used to cover the plants from at least three different families, although the most recognized them by that name is that of the Nymphaeaceae, which are the most used in gardening.

The lilies most recommended for cultivation in ponds are:

White water lily or Nymphaea alba: Also known as white lotus, or water lily white nymph, is one of the most popular species and is characterized by heart-shaped leaves and rounded, and because its white flowers with many stamens can reach a size large (up to 30cm).

Mexican or Mexican Nymphaea Water Lily: It has flowers of a strong yellow color and small leaves with different shades of green and tiny spots.

Pond Water Lilies Varieties And Care

Nymphaea Blue Beauty is a commercial tropical hybrid with huge, fragrant starry flowers of a dark blue petals and sepals pale blue. This plant is very sensitive to low temperatures.

Nymphaea Escarboucle: This lily is very resistant to frost and can reach a maximum height of 10 cm. Its foliage is green during most of the year and cups shaped flowers semi-double orange and red colors look dark in the summer.
Pond Water Lilies Varieties And Care

Nymphaea Pygmaea helvola:  It is a lily model with dark green rounded leaves with purple veins and flowers cup-shaped fragrant yellow and sulfur than 5 centimeters in diameter, with orange stamens. Although it has some resistance to cold, protection is recommended during winter.

Pond Water Lilies Varieties And Care

Other commercial species of water lilies that stand up well to the onslaught of frost are the James Brydon, Rose Arey, Sunrise, Pygmaea Rubra, Ambilis, Lucida, etc..

 Cultivation and Care

The lilies grow easily in calm water and full sun, but often require more care than other aquatic plants. It is advisable to grow water lilies in pots with small holes all over its surface and fertilized soil without elements that float easily and can get dirty pond water once the emplace in the water.

When placed in the pond, care must be taken not to damage the delicate roots because it can kill the plant.

Another thing to consider is that during the growing season should be fed every certain period of time with a fertilizer water, because the water lilies require large amounts of nutrients for their development.

To further stimulate blooms while avoiding contamination of the pond (which can be fatal to these plants), it is advisable to remove the dead flowers or are deteriorating, and prune the yellow leaves regularly.

Cultivation, Care And Maintenance Of The Bamboo

Humans have used and still use today bamboo with varied and numerous purpose and today in particular, have become popular as decorative plants inside or outside. There are more than 1,500 varieties of bamboo, so the first step is to find out which is the variety that best fits your needs and climate and soil type where you live.

Cultivation Care And Maintenance Of The Bamboo

Stores sell a variety known as lucky bamboo but we must warn you that this is not a bamboo, but a type of lily of the Dracaena family. The variety Bambusa vulgaris is the most widespread in the world for indoor and outdoor planting, due to its adaptability to different climates and requirement of low maintenance. But it takes a lot of light naturally, so if you plant indoors should be near large windows. In continental areas withstands temperatures of -18 ° C and the ocean refuses to -23 degree C. You can check in a nursery in your city if it is the best choice or variety but what is the best there is in your area.

Cultivation Care And Maintenance Of The Bamboo

The first thing to consider is that it is very easy to get seeds of these plants. This is because they are flowering grasses with long periods (many years) and as the flower is essential for seed, best alternative solution. Also, once planted the seeds can take up to seven years to sprout, so the best is to get suckers to plant.

The bamboo needs a moist soil, but relatively well drained. Particularly preferred acid tendency neutral grounds, but others resist in limestone terrain. The soil should, however, have some fertility novel. If not, we regularly provide manure. In the beginning, all bamboos appreciate shaded sites, but as they grow prefer more sunlight. That is why the bamboos tend to grow faster: to go towards the light.

During transplantation, add hood 25 cm diameter fertilizer granules for green plants. Spray the foliage twice a week.
Cultivation Care And Maintenance Of The Bamboo

In summer we water thoroughly. Young bamboo shoots finished their growth, but the plant needs water to ensure the rhizomes vegetation and accumulation of reserves to ensure the output of shoots the following year. A regular maintenance is recommended at least once a year, or even twice, once in September and again in February.

In winter clean species exceeding 3 m. Three types are cut stems must either ax or hacksaw: those that have declined over the course of the year, have been resected from the top to the bottom or are devoid of leaves, misshapen, unsightly or too rickety, and that can be exploited, for 3 or 4 years old, hard enough. In late winter you can reap the dwarf bamboo floor level.

Lavender: Cultivation, Irrigation And Care

The lavender is a subshrub possessing great strength, an attractive color and a delicious aroma, which is widely used to beautify gardens and planters as well as being known as a plant with numerous medicinal properties

lavender is widely used to beautify gardens and planters as well as being known as a plant with numerous medicinal properties

While lavender rustic belongs to a genre that fits well with any structure of soil, grows best in well loose substrates, calcareous, sandy, dry, with an average content of organic matter. There needs to be a good drainage to prevent puddles that can affect their growth and even rot the roots. Hence also recommend not grow it in places where heavy rains are recorded.

Lavender Cultivation

As for the ideal time to plant lavender, should be considered first if you want to work with multiplication by seeds or by cuttings (cuttings). In the first case, seed is usually planted in early spring, and transplanted in the fall or winter, once it has sprouted and grown a little.

When you decide to get a new plant lavender from a wedge, the ideal time to separate the desired branch is at the end of summer when the process has finished flowering.

Notably, it corresponds to a genre of warm and temperate climates, the different species of lavender will grow much better are exposed to a significant dose of sunlight.

The lavender is a subshrub possessing great strength, an attractive color and a delicious aroma

Irrigation of Lavender

In terms of irrigation, the plant does not need much water, but to take better advantage of this aromatic water it is usually recommended once a week. In the case of the specimens placed in flower pots, you should increase this share a little liquid element during the summer season.

Although lavender has a high resistance to environmental factors, it is desirable to avoid the presence of weeds that could interfere with normal crop growth.

Caring tips for Lavender

This can be achieved by plowing land surface once in early spring, removing the ground at least twice after the harvest of flowers, and one in winter. This task also allows aerate and fluff the soil, helping to prevent the onset of certain diseases affecting these plants, including roots and certain fungi called "sadness of lavender ".

Regarding pruning, usually recommended cut lavender about 20 cm after flowering to bring a new sound and to present a pleasantly compact appearance while growing in the winter season.