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Jun 11, 2012

Chicory crop, soil, irrigation and harvesting

The chicory is ideal for salads when you are on a diet or simply want to improve the quality of your food. It is more bitter than lettuce and cabbage but has incredible benefits for the body.
Whenever you can, it is best to grow your own food you eat and the chicory is no exception; so we give you some ideas and suggestions for the cultivation of chicory.

First, note that is not the same plant chicory for domestic use to industrial use. Care may vary although the requirements for the crop to grow are very similar.

Relative to the ground, there are not many specific requirements, however as the chicory root is a plant it is best that the soil is deep for the root garment well. The soil may be alkaline or slightly acid and chicory will tolerate, however can not withstand excessive moisture so that soils where puddles of water are not the most convenient.

This is a plant that withstands drought but of course not so excessive. You have to water it regularly and remove weeds that may form around. It is not necessary to fertilize the soil periodically as it is resistant to many types of soil provided they are deep.

The Chicory can live up to two years and if the care with diligence may last a little longer. This plant is cold care. During the summer he will be convenient to water it more regularly especially if what is sought is to harvest the leaves of this, which are used for salads.

If the objective of growing chicory is to use the root, so it is necessary to regulate mowing blades so that the leaf development is not so fast.

The chicory plant is very resistant to wind, low temperatures and drought. The best place to plant it where there is sun but can tolerate very well shaded areas. The best type of irrigation for the cultivation of chicory is because you need to drip water moderately and not resist moisture or ponding water.

When can be collected chicory plant? In autumn the whole plant can be harvested along with the root. If you want only the leaves, these should be collected in summer and allow to dry the leaves in a dry place, preferably in glass containers. Once dry, they are ready to eat.