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Apr 4, 2012

How to decorate an indoor terrarium

The terrariums are great ideas for decorating your home and give a natural tone. You may not have much space in your home for a garden but need to give a bit of green living environment. If that is the case, the best are the terrarium.

What are the terrarium? And how can we decorate it?

The terrariums are like little greenhouses with tropical ambient conditions: a warm temperature, high humidity, making it possible that inside they develop different types of plants.

How can you build a terrarium?

You can send to make a glass box in the style tank. The measures depend on the space you have, but a standard would be 50 x 25 x 30 (A capacity of approximately 5 listros) Place aquarium based records, land fertilized and some universal substrate to get around 5 to 7 centimeters. You can also put colored stones to give a more ornamental.

What species of plants can grow in the terrarium?

There are many and varied, but must take into account the type of soil you have. For example, if you want to put cactus, it is best to keep the terrarium sand and earth, but if you want to grow plants and herbs is the best dirt and gravel. Moss along with the land is also a good basis for lichens and small herbs. The species should be small and high resistance to moisture. Examples of species that can be used are: Ivy, Orchids, Begonias, Ferns, marantas among others.

The terrarium should be ventilated, must be illuminated but shall not be exposed to direct sunlight, as this can burn the plants. Maybe you can put a special lamp type Flora-glo or something similar. In order that excessive moisture does not rot the plants, especially because the cage has no drainage, charcoal can be placed.

To retain the moisture and not dry, it is best to spray with water the terrarium, but without wetting the plants is simply to add moisture which is the basis of the terrarium.

To maintain terarrio, it should be noted that every two weeks is necessary to check the level of moisture and the plants removed yellow and dry. It is also advisable to prune some plants do not grow too much.
All these ideas will help you have a beautiful and well decorated terrarium. Use your imagination for terrarium that reflects your personality. In addition to colored stones and species to plant, you can use other decorations such as ribbons or some ornamental design on one of the glass of the terrarium.

Thus, you can have a beautiful decorative terrarium at home.